Quorum Policies & Guidelines

Style & Tone:

Many of our readers are volunteer board members and other laypeople with limited specialized knowledge on a variety of topics spanning from law to engineering, to finances. It is important that articles are not overly technical and are written in a conversational tone. When in doubt about the rhythm of your cadence, read your sentences aloud. Upon completion of your article, ask someone not in your field to critique it. Lastly, do not forget the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, why, and how.


  1. Identify the issue or problem.
  2. Develop a “plan of attack.”
  3. Explain how to apply the above plan.


Articles are to be written in paragraph form. In your Word document please be sure to include the title, your name & credentials (if applicable), and a short bio (less than 100 words). In addition to that document please also send a headshot in .PNG or .JPG format (300dpi or 70KB or higher).

Article Types:

Lead Article: 1,500 – 2,000 words

Supporting Article: 750-800 words

Feature Articles: 500-700 words

Short Article: Maximum 650 words

Cul-De-Sac/Sidebar Article: Short, supplemental piece where the material can be a bit more playful in its content. 

ARTICLES ARE DUE NO LATER THAN THE 1ST OF THE MONTH – 60 DAYS PRIOR TO THE ISSUE DATE. For example, if you are writing a piece to be published in September your article is due no later than July 1. Please submit articles to the Quorum Editorial Committee staff liaison or publications@caidc.org.

Quorum Editorial Policies

Articles published in Quorum are aimed at informing and educating readers about issues and trends affecting community associations. They should not promote a particular company, product, or service.

The author must be able to verify that the information in their article is accurate, their original work, and that it is not previously published. The author must give proper attribution to quotes, reports, or ideas not your own. 

The Quorum editor reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length according to Quorum’s editorial guidelines and publication policies.