You can help the Chapter continue it’s work to provide outreach and local community involvement by donating or sponsoring to several Outreach programs. Below are available Outreach sponsorships. Questions? Email Marisa Beam at
Help us boost membership! The 8th Annual Recruitment Contest is a great, cost-effective way to increase your company’s visibility to current and potential clients.
$250 Bronze
– sponsor receives recognition on all promotional materials
$500 Silver
– Bronze level + invitation to winner’s presentation
$1,000 Gold
– Silver level + join the CAI team in a photo handing over the check to the winner (to be published in Quorum**)
The WMCCAI Scholarship Program has been developed for all Washington metro area high-school seniors who will be enrolled for the fall 2021 semester in a four-year college, community college, or vocational school. This sponsorship is only available from December – April and the scholarship is awarded in June.
POTOMAC WATERSHED SPONSORS: Join the Public Outreach Committee as they do their part to clean up the Potomac Watershed. This sponsorship provides a light breakfast for the volunteers in addition to signage at each site. This sponsorship is only available from December – March and the event is in April.